Brain injuries are some of the most common types of harm one can suffer following a car accident. Their severity can vary from minor to life-changing.
If you have sustained a brain injury following a car accident that was not your fault, you may sue the negligent or reckless party for restitution for your injuries and other damages. However, to win your case and get the compensation you deserve, it pays to know what you are suing for.
Here are the common types of brain injuries you might suffer in a car accident.
A concussion occurs when the brain suffers an impact due to a sudden movement or change of direction. Depending on the severity, a concussion can take weeks or even years to heal fully. Common symptoms of concussions include:
- Temporary loss of consciousness
- Fatigue
- A feeling of lightheadedness
- Impaired speech
Concussions are one of the most common injuries in car accidents.
A contusion occurs when external objects strike the car occupants or when they hit their heads on fixed objects like the steering wheel, car roof or window during the impact. Common symptoms of a contusion may include:
- Changes to the victim’s cognitive behavior
- Numbness in the bruised area
- Balancing or coordination difficulty
- Impaired speech
Securing items in your vehicle reduces the chance they fly through the air and hit your head in a collision.
These occur when a sharp object penetrates the skull. Common symptoms of penetration injuries may include:
- Severe blood loss
- Breathing difficulty
- Paralysis
- Loss of consciousness
Brain injuries can be life-altering. Filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party can help cover the considerable costs a brain injury can incur.