Firm News Archives | Page 4 of 12 | Linebaugh Dority & Allen LLP

Texas fault laws that could affect your car accident claim

You may be entitled to compensation after a car accident caused by a negligent driver. Your injuries may lead to medical bills, missed wages, pain and suffering, among other damages. However, your contribution to the accident may affect the settlement you can claim for your losses. In some states, you cannot claim anything if…

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The most common type of 18-wheeler accidents

Modern 18-wheelers can weigh more than 80,000 pounds and be over 65 feet long. These giants are seen on roads in and around Texas every day, and while they are an essential part of the U.S. economy, they also pose serious risks to other drivers.  While rules and regulations have been established for those…

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2 ways the loss of a limb or extremity will affect your finances

People can lose a limb or extremity to trauma or to surgery if the body part suffers such severe injury that medical professionals cannot help repair it safely. The expenses involved in the initial surgical procedure and aftercare following a traumatic or surgical amputation will only be the start of the financial impact such…

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How much will a brain injury cost you?

Some people realize they have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or concussion right at the scene of a car crash. They lose consciousness or have immediate symptoms because of the severity of their injury. Other times, it could be several days before someone seeks medical attention after injuring their head. Brain injuries can cause…

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Who’s to blame if you slip and fall at a waterpark?

Slipping and falling can happen anywhere. Whether you’re walking down stairs or you’re on a pathway after a short rain shower, there is a risk that you could slip and end up falling down and hurting yourself. Since it’s the summer and temperatures are heating up, now is a good time to talk about…

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Texas’ booming economy puts more 18-wheelers on the highway

When it comes to the economy, everyone wants to see growth. After all, a growing economy means more jobs, higher wages, and greater opportunities. It also means more commercial trucks on the highway and increases the likelihood of you being in an accident with an 18-wheeler. Texas ranks No. 1 Texas ranks number one…

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