What should you expect if you suffer a traumatic brain injury?

One of the consequences of being involved in a serious accident can be a severe head injury that causes concussion or even permanent damage to the brain. For sufferers, the effects can be life-changing and catastrophic. This isn’t the case for everyone and side effects can subside within a few days. There are, however,…

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Is public transportation safer than driving your own vehicle?

Cars — while convenient — aren’t exempt from catastrophic accidents. An analysis from the National Safety Council found that 4.8 million people suffered severe injuries in car crashes in 2020.  Some people opt for public transportation to avoid the risks of driving, which begs the question of whether public transportation is safer than driving…

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How far does a dump truck need to stop?

It is generally assumed that passenger cars need about a football field to come to a complete stop if they’re driving at highway speeds. For semi trucks, this increases to more than 500 feet. This is a reason why rear-end accidents happen. In some cases, a truck driver may not notice the traffic has…

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Who’s to blame if you slip and fall at a waterpark?

Slipping and falling can happen anywhere. Whether you’re walking down stairs or you’re on a pathway after a short rain shower, there is a risk that you could slip and end up falling down and hurting yourself. Since it’s the summer and temperatures are heating up, now is a good time to talk about…

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Why don’t buses have seat belts?

One of the standard pieces of safety equipment on every single car is a seatbelt. There are laws requiring people to wear seatbelts, on account of how many lives they save and how they reduce catastrophic injuries.  But when you get on public transportation, you may notice that buses do not have seat belts….

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Is there more than one kind of concussion?

When you hear that someone has a concussion, you probably think about them getting hit in the head, feeling tired or being disoriented. What you may not realize is that there are five different kinds of concussions, and the symptoms may not be that simple. Concussions, by definition, are mild traumatic brain injuries. There…

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