Dayton Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident takes more than your car off-course, it can also send your life spinning out of control. Car accident survivors often find themselves facing the economic and non-economic damages of a serious accident, including painful injuries, a long recovery period, and sometimes an inability to return to work either temporarily or permanently.

While nothing can erase the harm caused by the accident, a successful car accident claim in Dayton relieves the financial hardship caused by the accident and provides car accident victims with a sense of financial accountability and justice. Call the Dayton car accident attorneys at Linebaugh, Dority & Associates, LLP for experienced personal injury representation in Texas.

Why You Should Hire Linebaugh, Dority & Associates as Your Car Accident Attorneys In Dayton

If someone else caused your serious car accident, you don’t have to be left with the financial consequences as well as the physical ones. Instead, you can use the following advantages of representation by our Dayton car accident lawyers to your benefit:

  • A free case consultation and no upfront fees—instead, you only pay us after we recover compensation in your claim
  • A law firm with decades of combined experience in Texas insurance law, civil courts, and traffic law behind your case
  • Representation by an attorney dedicated to protecting your right to compensation for your damages
  • Access to exceptional resources such as the best medical experts and accident reconstruction specialists to help prove your case

Our history of results in recovering millions of dollars for injured clients puts a respected voice behind your claim. Notable recent results include a $7.8 million recovery for an injury victim hurt in a car accident caused by a delivery driver who ran a red light.

What Causes Car Accidents In Dayton?

Dayton’s residents have busy lives, sometimes leading to congested roadways. Common causes of car and truck accidents include the following:

  • Speeding 
  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Failing to yield the right of way and other traffic violations
  • Tailgating
  • Speeding around curves
  • Drowsy driving
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Improper merging
  • Unsafe passing
  • Impaired driving

Less commonly, a third party could be at fault for a car accident; for instance, if a defective car part or negligent road maintenance agency cause or contribute to a collision.

What Types of Injuries Occur In Car Accidents In Dayton?

The crash force of a car accident is stronger than many motorists realize. A 130-pound person becomes an astonishing 5,850-pound force in a collision at only 45 miles per hour. Crash forensics experts agree that a collision occurs inside the body at the same time that impact happens outside the car. Organs and bones suffer from crash force while a car’s structure crushes inward, also causing blunt-force trauma. Common car accident injuries in Dayton include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Fractures
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Soft-tissue injuries to shoulders, knees, ankles, and wrists
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Burns
  • Lacerations, abrasions, and contusions
  • Facial and dental trauma
  • Traumatic amputations

Injuries are painful and traumatizing. They also lead to mounting expenses that can impact the entire family. A successful Texas car accident claim recovers compensation directly through an insurance claim against the at-fault driver; however, a successful claim requires compelling evidence to prevent insurers from shifting liability to the victim.

Recovering Damages In a Texas Car Accident Claim 

If you’ve had a serious car accident in Dayton, you can recover compensation for damages such as past and future medical expenses, past and future income loss, out-of-pocket expenses, and compensation for pain and suffering. Additional compensation may be available for catastrophic injury damages such as the loss of a limb, the loss of one of the senses, or disfigurement.

Contact the Dayton Car Accident Lawyers at Linebaugh, Dority & Associates

A car accident claim is a challenging undertaking, especially when there are questions about liability or an insurance company disputes aspects of the claim. Protect your rights by calling Linebaugh, Dority & Associates to represent you in your claim through an investigation, documentation of liability, and assertive negotiations to recover the maximum compensation available to you.